Irina van der Sluijs


Yogini and friend J took me to my first kirtan a couple of months ago. I had no idea what to expect, only knew that my resistant mind was skeptical. A group of happy people chanting in a circle..?

The experience proved my mind so wrong. After just fifteen minutes or so into the singing, this beautiful group energy filled the room and filled me. Sanskrit words flowed out of all our mouths as if it were our mother tongue.

In a way, it is our mother tongue. I understand that this ancient language resembles our natural, primal sounds the most. Repeating them over and over in a musical setting feels so peaceful. As if my body was expanding into an abundance of space.

The beautiful energy stays around and with you for a while, making doing the dishes and filling out tax forms the next day a lot more fun!

I cannot wait to go to my next kirtan with Nigam and guests.